Sunday, May 4, 2008

Idaho, and so can you! (JPB)

Today's drive wasn't too bad. It mostly reminded me of the section of US HWY 60 that is nestled between the Magdalena mountains, and 'M' mountain in Socorro, except an entire states-worth of that... Tomorrow we make it to WC (Walnut Creek) the agenda:

  1. Eat burritos from the awesome burrito place I ate at last time (Booya Carnitas)
  2. Buy a Weber bbq grill
  3. Go to the bbq supply store and buy charcoal, smoking chips, etc
  4. Buy consumables
  5. Burn consumables in a controlled manner on new grill
  6. Rinse and Repeat
I'm getting pretty excited about seeing my new home too! Settling in is always fun cause you get to pick out all the places that you want to put into your daily routine. Welp. That's about it. After today we decided that driving from San Fran to SLC probably won't happen at Christmas because there are more "Road Closed" gates and "Chain-up Areas" than I've seen on one stretch of road before in my life.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Joel,

You want to eat a burrito? Wow, you must have a huge appetite. I saw a documentary on PBS once showing people riding burritos on trips down the Grand Canyon, and you wouldn't catch me eating one of those things. They look dirty, tough and cantankerous. And how the heck would you fit one of those in your BBQ? Unless your BBQ is the size of a small tanker truck! Besides, where you put that in your back yard?



PS: How’s WC?