Monday, June 9, 2008

The Tub Plug

Among the various manly things that I enjoy, like driving a truck, grilling food, debating about whether or not to shave my legs, is taking baths. WHAT? It's a good place to read and you don't have to stand up. Unfortunately the drain mechanism doesn't work in the tub of our new house, so instead of dealing with having it fixed (note: plumbing is not one of the things on my 'manly' list) I decided to look for a drain stopper, which seemed like it would be an immediate solution. It has been very difficult to find just a regular, flat, drain stopper like I wanted. So today I went to the hardware store (manly) to get a replacement nut for my weed-eater (even more manly). While there I found the exact drain stopper that I've been needing. So why does all of this constitute a blog entry? The drain stopper came with instructions, I kid you not. They read, "Instructions: place drain stopper over drain." Really.


Alex said...

I've seen instructions on how to make carrot sticks.

Unknown said...

I bet your dad is proud of you now, all that "manly" stuff. It sort of makes up for looking like a "tool" when riding your bike.

Joel'n'Marlene said...

haha! Yes. It does make up for me looking like a "tool." I probably look way better with the whipper-snipper and my cowboy hat. Hmm... That gives me an idea... cowboy hat bike helmet...

Unknown said... shorts, fishnet stockings...

Joel'n'Marlene said...

Cowboy hat/bike helmet, feather boa, Pink alligator cowboy boots with cleats for pedals... wait... what are we even talking about again?