Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Hump Day (MCV)

Well, here we are, mid-week and I'm already exhausted....

Things are going well with work, I'm finally feeling like I'm doing something. Today I met with my project supervisor and we talked about the project for about an hour. I had lots of questions and comments on the report I read and I think he was happy to see I was able to jump right into it. He assigned me to draw sketches of anticipated rock behaviour to put in the design plans. It'll help the contractor get a visual idea of what to expect and if we find that it works out, I imagine we'll be able to keep these in our reportoire. (geotechs: it's something like the little images in the GSI classification, only with a tunnel cross section showing types of failure). I'm happy with it. I did the sketches today and tomorrow I'll show them to my supervisor before drafting them in Corel. And everyone is really friendly and trying hard to make me feel at home, so that's really great. I think it's a good group of people.

As for non-work stuff. Having Joel at home is really nice because he makes my lunch, makes my coffee and gets breakfast ready so I can be out the door with lots of time. It helps so much! I don't know what I'm going to do when he goes back to work... and he made an incredible dinner last night, the leftovers of which we will enjoy shortly!

As I was walking to the catch the train after work today I got to see what San Fran traffic looks like: not pretty! Cars all over, not moving, and the honking! At first I thought people were just honking for fun, like having a car horn conversation or something, but then I realised that was just silly and they were probably actually honking thinking it would make things go faster... silly drivers, the train is best! I left work a little later today and boy was that a mistake! The train was full and I didn't get a seat until two stops before mine. Mental note: leave work earlier!

We went for a bikeride after work (hence dinner at 8) in the area. Oh my god... this is such a great place to live! We had a 300m ride to the nearest bike path that follows the county canal (drinking water I think) for lord knows how long. There were quite a few walkers and streets to cross but as we kept riding east it thinned out and we could ride a little faster. We rode up a small (but steep!) hill and at the top there was a coyote with dinner in his mouth! He continued running up the hill and we saw him for quite a while. That was pretty amazing!

Well, dinner is served! Thanks to everyone who's still keeping up with the blog! Kathy I promise I'll call you soon!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your mom wrote you a comment this morning. I had filled in the "word verification", username and password, and sometime after she completed her comment and pressed the publish button, her comment was lost. She does not know, so, if she asks, pretend it went through.