Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Big D

I took a little side trip to Dallas to visit Thomas, Susan, and Marley. First stop after the airport was to Chuy's. I had the New Mexico Enchiladas. Green chile, chicken, blue corn tortillas, served with an egg on top. So perfect! We also had a variety of chips, dips, and salsas. The trip to Dallas mostly revolved around hanging out and eating. We had queso, roasted green chile on the grill, and grilled 3 kinds of meat. Thom introduced me to the wonders of tablitas (cross-cut beef ribs with some sort of marinade). We also had skirt steak and marinated chicken. Pretty top notch. In addition to all the eating it was nice to catch up with family. I got to see Whitney and Brad (Thom's sister and her husband)and all her kids. It was nice to see everyone that I hadn't seen in years and to find them all doing very well.

On the trip home from Dallas, Mom, Collin, Lisa, and Laura all picked me up at the Midland Airport and we went to a Midland Rockhounds baseball game. It wasn't too eventful of a game, but it was nice to hang out. I also got a trip in to Rosa's for burritos, tamales and more queso... I also took advantage of a free Chick-fil-a sandwich...

More food...


Unknown said...

What's with the "food" theme. Do you miss southern cooking or what?

Joel'n'Marlene said...

Yeah. I had to load up on Mexican/New Mexican/Tex Mex food while I had the chance. There's about to be a lot of miles between me and any tacos in the near future. Some people carbo-load. I have to Mexi-load.