Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Here Comes the Sand (doo do dooo do) -joel

So today is the Spring Equinox. Yay! Spring. It was also nice that it cooled off a bit. Sounds great huh? Well the reason it cooled off was because the sun was blocked by a sheet of sand. Please see photos for reference. These were taken today at about 1245 in the afternoon. I have to admit though, it made for awesome colors for the camera. There were tons of other folks out taking pictures too. Anyway, I guess spending 6 hours outside in this was a good way to exfoliate.


Unknown said...

Nice effect, but the dust can't be good for the camera though.

Joel'n'Marlene said...

Probably not. I saw quite a few other people that had the body of their camera in a large freezer bag.